Monday, June 27, 2016

As we all know, in a quilt you need more than just the patches sewn together.  What truly holds it all together, keeping it from fraying on the edges, protecting the raw seams, and adding the beauty of completeness is the solid backing and the binding around the edges.  For extra strength and stability, decorative stitching is added over the entire quilt.  Because of the haphazard nature of Crazy Quilts,  instead of overall stitching, short decorative strings or yarn are threaded through both backing and patchwork at regular intervals, then tied off to give the needed support.

What a perfect analogy!!

We each have so many patches in our life.  People, places, and events in a myriad of colors and textures fill our days.  Sometimes life gets frayed and raw.  We need something more to hold us together in this crazy world.  For me, that solid foundation is spending time with the Master Quilter in His Word and Prayer.  His loving Promises and Guidelines keep me from falling apart, protect the raw areas of my heart, keep me focused on what is right and true.  On top of all that, looking back at the experiences of my life, I see the regular intervals where he threaded through a little extra strength at the exact times I needed it.  I know that if He is working such amazing craftsmanship in my life, He is definitely at work in each of your lives also.

So today, I want to share an extra "thread" with you to strengthen you through your week.

That is right!  YOU, my Dear Friend, My Sweet Soul Sister, YOU are an incredible Masterpiece!  You were created with purpose and perfectly equipped in Christ to do great things!  Even if you are in one of the coarse, dark patches of life right now, the Master Quilter is weaving truth and beauty into  your life every day, because He has amazing things in store for you.  
But you don't have to take my word for it!  You can look it up for yourself.  Grab your Bible or go to and search for Ephesians 2 and read it for yourself.  Three of my favorite translations are the King James Version (so poetically eloquent), the New International Version (more modern language) or the Amplified Bible (extra explanatory phrases).   May you find there as many blessings as I do!  The Master Quilter is alive and at work in all of us and I know we can trust Him to create something beautiful out of this day!


P.S.  Don't forget to take my "PB and ???" survey!!!

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